Monday 22 April 2019


Where does Google bury old blogs and the money
they earn?
I have been running my six blogs for quite some time, but the earliest - has been going for 13 years. I've had page views and good comments (and a few negative ones too) and I've posted frequently albeit with some gaps when life got in the way.

I've had ads going too, and shifted them about to try to optimize my "profits." So far I've earned £19.26. Lucky I do it for pleasure and not the money!

All the same, I will never see that £19.26 or any further profit I make. The sad truth iis, since it took me 13 years to earn £19.26 and Google only pay out when you reach £60, I am not going to live long enough to hit gold, and even if I did, I will be too gaga to know it. (PS: that might be dollars, I'm not sure. Still makes no difference under the circumstances.)

Fortunately, as I writer, I have had alternative more profitable employment, but I do wonder what Google do with all the money from ads left on the Earnings tab of people who have done their best and sadly popped their clogs.

It would be nice if it went to charity.

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